The Istituto Statale d'Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “Giuseppe Verdi” is located in Valdobbiadene, a small town with 10.000 inhabitants, in the north-east of Italy, situated at the foothills of the Alps. The local economy is based on wine-growing agriculture even though the region is quite industrialised. Therefore, our school offer has taken into consideration these aspects of the territory. After middle school, students attend our institute from the age of 14 to 19 before going to university or work. ISISS Verdi is not a big school, there are around 650 students attending 5 different courses: A scientific course (characterised by maths, chemistry and physics), a modern languages course (characterised by English, French and German), a technical one for mechanics (characterised by mechanics, mechatronics and technology), a technical course for tourism (characterised by economy and modern languages) and a new vocational course for agriculture (characterised by chemistry, biology, agronomy).
Our school is a very lively and active one with special care for international contacts: It offers the students cultural exchanges and internships in foreign countries and it participates in European projects such as Erasmus. School-leavers are guided into their future choices through several activities, such as visits to universities, meetings with representative people from the working world and internships in local companies.
Moreover, our school gives special attention to its own carbon footprint making students and teachers aware of the territory they are living in.